Signs of Pregnancy

Some women often do not realize that she was pregnant. It is not strange, because usually a sign of pregnancy has not been too visible in the early weeks of pregnancy, just after menstruation delayed for approximately two weeks, new signs can be felt pregnant.

The main one is certain of is that menstruation does not come. The egg has been fertilized and will not be out of the womb in the form of blood as usually women who are not pregnant. After that, just another pregnancy symptom will come together-sama.Beberapa sign of pregnancy that can be used as a benchmark of pregnancy is fatigue that is often whack.

If a woman is usually very active moving and suddenly felt tired, she could be pregnant. This further reinforced by another sign of tightening the breast. Two weeks after conception, pregnancy symptoms will appear in the breast. Regional aerola or redness around the nipple area will begin to enlarge and change caught the eye.

Stomach problems also began to come in pregnant women. Ranging from nausea to abdominal bloating. Nausea here is certainly different from the usual nausea faced in the morning, when seasickness or motion sickness. Nausea here along with a desire that can not be deferred to eat one type of food. Common foods are salad or other fruits that have a sour taste to neutralize this nausea. Well, this is called cravings, where a woman wants a particular food in a short time.

Pregnancy also affects the processes that occur in the body. A woman who is pregnant will have increased frequency of urination. These symptoms occur early in pregnancy and will be repeated in recent years that in the last trimester of pregnancy. The process of reproduction is also affected, where there will be mixed with yellowish stains out of the uterus and attached to the underwear.

This is the result of fetal development or the egg in the uterine wall. All these symptoms will be a sign of pregnancy if started with a missed period. If not, then everything is just a result of normal metabolic process itself, not the symptoms of pregnancy.

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