A good sport During Pregnancy

A good sport During Pregnancy
if you're fit During your pregnancy, then it will be difficult for you to return the pregnant woman's body shape to the ideal posture after the baby is born. During pregnancy, try to remain vigorous exercise, but do not forget to consult first with your doctor your medical condition. Not all expectant mothers are allowed to exercise while pregnant. There are some exceptions in some cases such as bleeding, placental low, weak condition of the uterus, and previous preterm birth.

Sports activity which you are entering may be equal to the time before you become pregnant, but with different levels of fatigue. When pregnant, a woman will feel more tired than usual. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right type of exercise. Almost all types of sports safely performed during pregnancy, as long as done under the supervision of a physician or health consultant, and try not to overdo it. Only yourself know the limit, do not overdo it!

The most secure type of exercise performed during pregnancy are swimming, brisk walking or jogging, stationary cycling, and yoga, aerobics, and special fitness pregnant woman, who is now being offered by fitness centers in major cities. This type of exercise has a very small risk of injury and can be continued after delivery. Tennis and badminton may also be a relatively safe choice, but the condition of your pregnancy will affect the speed of movement during play.

To maintain health remains in excellent condition, any exercise that option so you should be able to strengthen the body's muscle tissue. When the pregnant woman's capability to exercise is influenced by the physical changes. Physical changes include increased body weight due to the development of the baby in your womb. Therefore the body needs extra oxygen and energy so you will feel more tired than usual. Increased weight and uneven weight distribution caused changes in the body's center of gravity. This can cause the body to more easily lose your balance which can increase the risk of injury during exercise.

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