Giving Birth in Water

Giving Birth in Water
Giving birth in water or known as the water birth is one of the birthing process that it says could reduce pain. The delivery process is almost the same as ordinary labor, it's just done in a container of warm water, with temperatures between 36 to 37 degrees centigrade.
Mothers who give birth still remain through the process of opening as well as normal deliveries, only pregnant women will be brought into a bath at the time of opening of the fifth or sixth. The birth of a baby carried in the tub, and this process takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. After delivery, the mother will then be brought back into bed to do further tests.

The way this baby starts from a study in the Soviet Union in the 1960s. At that time, a researcher investigating the possibility of salvation and the benefits of giving birth in water.This study was developed by an obstetrician Frederick Leboyer to immerse the newborns into the warm water to help ease the transition the baby from the womb to the outside world. The research was also conducted in France which arises from the fact that the woman will give birth to reject out of warm water to complete the process of their birth.Warm water can relieve pain.

After investigation, giving birth in water is beneficial for both mother and baby. Warm liquids such as warm water is estimated to have the same condition as in the woman's uterus. So that the baby will get the transition state before finally being in the real world as a whole.

As for the mothers, giving birth to a baby in the water can be used to manage pain during labor. In addition, with the birth process in this water will be able to reduce the possibility of surgical operations or Caesar. Surgery can cause a number of complications, which in some cases can actually make a woman who gave birth to coma or even death.

Many advantages of this process of giving birth in water, but criticism also came from many experts. There is a chance that the baby has an infection caused by inhaling contaminated water. Although there is no valid data, which reported an infant mortality due to water birth, but the possibility is always there. To that end, if you plan to go into labor in the water, you must choose clinics or hospitals that enforce proper procedures and strict, both in terms of cleanliness or experts.

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